Wants vs. Needs when it comes to job hunting

Georgia Lane

Life is full of wants and needs. We all want to be happy and we all need to pay our bills. But sometimes in life the two can become mixed. One becoming more dominant over the other, blinding us to what should truly take precedence in that moment. 

We have seen this happen time and time again when people are on the job hunt. They become so blinded by what they think they want or think they deserve they lose sight of what they truly need out of a job. 

Often when this happens it’s normally always about money, I want to take ‘x amount’ home when in reality either their expectations are too high or they are only in it for the money, which has been known to lead to an unfulfilled working life. You know what they say, money doesn’t always lead to happiness.  
When choosing what to apply for, or even whittling down your job offers to a final decision, it is important to weigh in other factors, such as work culture, job responsibilities, location and most importantly the work/life balance. How will your quality of  life be once you have taken the job? With all of these important factors to consider, we have listed below some wants vs needs that we hope will help you with your job search.


 As we touched upon briefly just now, we find that money is one of the biggest factors that people consider when applying to a new job role. But this needs to be weighed in moderation in conjunction with the other benefits a job has to offer. Unfortunately, money is unlikely to buy you happiness in the ways that matter and in a working environment, these involve stability, exciting challenges and a workplace culture that you can buy into and enjoy. You can roll up to work in your new Lamborghini but if you enter the office with a feeling of dread then is that job really worth it?

Weighing up your wants and needs in this scenario can be difficult. Yes you want the life that a large salary can give you, maybe a new phone, new car, a new house and so on. If you find a job that fulfills you in both your emotional needs and fills your pocket then great! But often it is wise to weigh up how much money you need to live a comfortable life rather than going for a job that gives you the life you want but makes your life difficult, stressful and depressing. 

However, you can always work towards the goal of a higher payday, starting at a salary that satisfies your immediate needs doesn’t mean it always has to stay that way. Growth within your job is always possible, just have an open and honest chat about salary progressions in your interview. Employers appreciate honesty and will value that you are already thinking about your future at their company which boasts a healthy working mindset.



Something that has become more important these days when choosing a career is work life enjoyment and if you ask us, it is the most important factor to consider by far. Your current job may be paying you well but if you find yourself in a hurry to leave before you have even started, you don’t click with any of the other employees or you can’t openly talk to your boss about any worries you might have, then it might be time to move on. Ask yourself this, what do I enjoy? And your answer can be as simple as ‘I enjoy communication and working with numbers/data.’ This is a great start! From there, look for jobs that include data analysis or communication roles, for example mortgage advisor jobs or potentially project manager jobs

Enjoyment doesn’t have to come from just the industry you work in. A workplace isn’t complete without a team of people around you that share the company's interests as well as making your place of work enjoyable to be in. You may prefer a workplace where you can fly in and out under the radar with no interaction from peers. But in reality you still need a work environment that appreciates the work that you do and supports you as an independent worker.  A lot of companies will offer benefits for a good performance and will partake in fun team building group activities… We know what we do at GCB! And although you may feel that choosing a company based on its benefits is a little superficial, these benefits will help make your job feel rewarding by creating a united feeling within the team. This is a need for a long and happy career, so make sure to take these into consideration when looking for a new job.



The location of a job is an important factor of work life balance. It would be unreasonable not to factor in the potential commute. Domestic responsibilities such as family and those needy pets can mean that living close to your place of work is a necessity. You may want a job in a fancy location, say in the middle of the city or in a beautiful rural area but what you need could be very different. Easy travel routes and faster travel times can really make the difference to your day and your mood. Working closer to home can mean crucial extra time spent with your family at the start and end of the day which can really make the difference to the enjoyment of your job and your overall well being. 

In this day and age it isn’t unheard of to work from home and if you have a busy homelife it may be worth looking for a job that caters to this. A need for a lot of working parents is a balance between work and home life, which can be a little overwhelming at the best of times. Having the option to work from home if you need to is an added bonus that can take some weight off your shoulders. Even if the job description doesn’t detail this, try having an honest conversation with your employer, you never know they may be able to offer this which will make your work life balance all that more manageable.


Our takeaway from this is that at the end of the day your needs and wants should work in tandem in order to achieve a work life balance and give you a reason to get you out of bed in the morning. Remember, your wants are something that can be achieved over time, whilst working on what you need for the meantimes could, one,  help you get what you want, and two, support you practically. You may even find that throughout time your wants change, however your needs will stay constant. 


With GCB it will make life easier

Finding this balance in your job role can be hard, but GCB, as one of the top national recruitment agencies in the UK, are here to help! For support and guidance in finding the job you want & need, give us a call on 01603 667777 or email us at enquiries@gcbrecruitment.co.uk for a chat with one of our friendly team! 


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