Georgia Lanecandidate, candidates, PROPERTY

Sometimes at work, you can have low periods where you struggle to find drive and motivation in your work. If this is how you feel don’t be worried as this happens to most people at some point in their professional career. For most people, this will be a small and uncommon blip which can make you more worried than it should. There are multiple ways to rekindle the love for your job. This blog will look at examples of how you can find love in your work again.

One of the most popular problems at work is working from the same desk, day after day. This process can become repetitive and therefore boring. Research has proven that those who work remotely or from home are more productive than those employees who commute every single day. There are many jobs that will require you to be present in an office and interact with a team. Therefore, working from home may not be possible for you. Don’t let this limit your productivity though. Renewal is a key factor in workplace commitment and productivity. Taking breaks allow you to remain focused on tasks and is proven to increase productivity.

When you lose love for a job you loved working at the start, you need to figure out what changed. In some circumstances, you may be burned out by staying late or working through lunch. Although, for some, disillusionment grew slowly over a period which would lead your reasoning behind your lost love to be blurred. If this position sounds similar to your own be sure to take time to reflect on your professional career, assessing your past achievements, outlining your personal goals and dictating specific areas that have affected your attitude towards work. Once you have identified the affecting issues it becomes easier to form a plan to re-grow your working mindset.

Increasing your skills and talents is a great way to begin to see fulfillment in your work. Working your way to reaching your full potential is a great way to begin to enjoy your working life more. Spending more time on things you’re good at is when you will see fulfillment. Identifying your skills and strengths can be hard, especially if you’re of a younger age. However, once you’ve learned your strengths continue to work hard to develop those skills. Natural talent is a great resource to have, however those who work the hardest and apply a lot of effort will reap the rewards.

If trying all these methods to rediscover your love in your job hasn’t worked then you may have to look at moving on. However, if you’re to move on it’s important to make sure you don’t rush into the decision. Rushing into a situation could leave you in a worse off position than you were in. If you’re to leave your role it then becomes very important to make sure your next job is one you will love.


At GCB we specialise in property and finance. We are always recruiting for property jobs and finance jobs and we have the driven and strategic minded team to help you get there. Call us today on 01603 667777!


Hi owner, Your posts are always a great read.
Posted on Tuesday, February 14, 2023 12:45 by Jerilyn Paltridge

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